By Osaeloka Madumere
Sharing a defendant’s picture by the complainant in court without his consent can raise severe legal and ethical concerns.
In a recent court case, a complainant’s decision to share a defendant’s picture on social media without his consent has sparked a heated debate about the importance of respecting defendants’ rights.
The case in question involved the Chief executive officer and Founder of a household conglomerate who was accused of a delay in a business transaction.
During the trial, the complainant captured the defendant on camera which he shared on social media without the defendant’s consent and knowledge.
However, the defendant’s lawyer argued that the sharing of the picture without consent was a clear violation of the defendant’s right to privacy and compromised their right to a fair trial.
No doubt , the sharing of pictures without consent can have serious implications for defendants.
- It would compromise the defendant’s right to a fair trial. By sharing pictures of the defendant, the complainant can influence public opinion and potentially compromise the defendant’s right to a fair trial.
- Infringe on the defendant’s right to privacy. Sharing pictures of the defendant without his consent can be a clear invasion of their privacy.
- Cause emotional distress. The sharing of pictures can cause significant emotional distress for the defendant and their loved ones.
This case highlights the importance of respecting defendants’ rights, particularly their right to privacy and a fair trial.
According to the Defendant , the complainant had shared a picture of the defendant on social media via his Whatsapp status captioning it “Criminal you ‘ve not seen anything “.
The picture was taken during the court sitting under the watch of Court officials and shared by the complainant on his social media profile just to tarnish the image of the Defendant in a case before an Honourable court with the consent of the Court officials .
This case serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting defendants’ rights. It is crucial that we prioritize the rights of all individuals, including defendants, and avoid sharing pictures or information that can compromise their right to a fair trial.
By respecting defendants’ rights, we can ensure that justice is served, and the integrity of the trial is maintained.
It is essential that we respect the rights of all individuals, including defendants,” said Legal experts .
“The sharing of pictures without consent can have serious implications and compromise the integrity of the trial.”
The company is a known name in logistics industry and is already feeling the impact of the damages down to his business and his person as some of her clients are now diverting to other competitors in the logistics industry.
Those involved are on a deadly mission to collapse a business that has stood for long as the company is losing her long existing clients due to the damages caused to the company by their actions .
Defamation comes in two forms. Slander and Libel. While slander involves spoken words, libel involves putting something in permanent form like publishing the article.
Vilification and Character Assassination are all criminal offences therefore, ignorance of the law is no excuse, those involved in such should be made to face the wrath of the law so as to serve as a deterrent to others.